About Me

Martin Pajumaa (born 2004) is an Estonian trumpet player, arranger and composer, currently studying trumpet at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the class of Immanuel Richter. He has received awards in competitions held across Austria, France, Greece, Estonia, and Lithuania, and participated in various masterclasses.

As an orchestral musician, Martin has worked with the Gstaad Festival Orchestra (internship), the Estonian National Opera Symphony Orchestra and the European Union Youth Orchestra. His concerto soloist experience includes performances with the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Junge Philharmonie Zentralschweiz, Estonian Youth Wind Ensemble, and MUBA Symphony Orchestra. As a freelance player, he frequently performs with orchestras such as the Bach Ensemble Luzern, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra. Over his career, he has had the opportunity to work with conductors such as Jaap van Zweden, Antonio Pappano, Manfred Honeck, Neeme Järvi, Paavo Järvi, Sir Mark Elder, Giordano Bellincampi, Arvo Volmer, Olari Elts, Kolja Blacher, Tõnu Kaljuste and Risto Joost. A keen chamber musician, Martin is a member of brass quintet Tuulisbrass and has also performed with the Estonian Academic Brass Quintet. His commitment in promoting Estonian music has led him to perform works by Tõnu Kõrvits, Eino Tamberg, Rein Rannap, Peeter Vähi and Hillar Kareva. In February 2024, he premiered the original piano version of the Trumpet Concerto by Ülo Vinter.

His arrangements have been performed by the Estonian National Opera Symphony Orchestra, Pärnu City Orchestra, Tallinn Police Orchestra, ÜENSO Orchestra, Tuulisbrass and many others. In the summer of 2023, his orchestration of the well-known Estonian piece “Little House by the Sea” was performed at the Estonian Youth Song and Dance Celebration, and will be performed on the 2025 Youth Song and Dance Celebration in Latvia, as well. Regarding his original compositions, his latest work “as I walk past the street…” for brass quintet and percussion has been performed in Estonia and Sweden, and recorded by brass quintet Tuulisbrass.

Martin started his trumpet studies at the age of seven with Valdo Rüütelmaa, continuing with Indrek Vau and graduating from his class at the Tallinn College of Music and Ballet with the highest distinction in 2023.

Media appearances

Eesti Rahvusringhääling. Läti noorte laulu- ja tantsupeol kõlab Ülo Vinteri "Majakene mere ääres". — April 16th, 2024

Postimees. Ülo Vinteri looming kõlab Läti noorte laulu- ja tantsupeol. — April 16th, 2024

Eesti Muusika Infokeskus. Kontserdil “Teekond trompetitega” tuleb esiettekandele Ülo Vinteri trompetikontsert. — February 16th, 2024

Harry Illak. Puhkpillimuusika netiraadio. — January 4th, 2024

Äli-Ann Klooren. Püha on maa. — July 7th, 2023

Taavi Hark. Esimese lennu tiibade hääl. — June 30th, 2023

Indrek Ojamets, Mart Valner. Martin Pajumaa - trompetist õpingutest ja tööst. — June 5th, 2023

Liisa Kaseorg. Tegija: noor trompetimängija tegi laulupeo tarbeks imelisele loole seade. — June 2nd, 2023

Toomas Oskar Kahur. Õhu jõud. — May 20th, 2023

Liisa Kaseorg. Noor trompetist Martin Pajumaa. — May 19th, 2023